Tuesday, July 13, 2010

All Star Game

Could it be - maybe a victory for the NL for the first time since 1996??? I don't watch as many games as I used to - makes me think that life gets too busy sometimes. To think back of the days when I would listen with my brothers listening to Jack Buck and Mike Shannon calling the game on the radio. Those guys could bring a game to life.

Let's take back the good old days and take hold of our free time. For me tonight, I hope that my team's great pitcher, Adam Wainwright, comes in to shut down the AL and give my Cardinals home field advantage in the World Series - Yes, I am predicting a Cardinals' return to the series.

Good night and God bless!

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Lenten Journey 2009 - Prayer Journal - Day 4

Many people assume that we are called to give something up during Lent, but many of us choose to take on something new during Lent. I have wanted to improve my prayer life for quite a while now. My goal is that through practice and exploring different types of prayer, that I might develop a prayer relationship with our God which lasts well beyond Lent 2009. Through this blog, I hope to journal my prayer activity this Lent. Please feel free to share ideas of methods of prayer which you have found successful. My greatest desire is to learn to "shut up" and listen to God speak to me.

Prayer Journal Entry #4 (Saturday, 2.28.09)

*Reviewed Holy Hour Songs & Prayers for 3.5
*Reviewed Disciples in Mission Lesson #1
*Read "Reasons for Hope" - The Gift of Reconciliation
*Daily Offering Prayer and Pope's Intentions for Feb.
*Prayer Starters - "An open heart and mind"
*Read through Mass readings for March 8th

Lenten Journey 2009 - Prayer Journal - Day 3

Many people assume that we are called to give something up during Lent, but many of us choose to take on something new during Lent. I have wanted to improve my prayer life for quite a while now. My goal is that through practice and exploring different types of prayer, that I might develop a prayer relationship with our God which lasts well beyond Lent 2009. Through this blog, I hope to journal my prayer activity this Lent. Please feel free to share ideas of methods of prayer which you have found successful. My greatest desire is to learn to "shut up" and listen to God speak to me.

Prayer Journal Entry #3 (Friday, 2.27.09)

*Prayed "Our Father" upon waking
*Read "Reasons for Hope": We are all "Elder Sons" - need to uncover selfishness to bring understanding and to unite families
*Read "Prayer Starters": "Acceptance" - of life's burdens and pray for grace
*Prayed Daily Offering and Pope's Intentions for Feb.
*Stations of the Cross at CTK

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Lenten Journey 2009 - Prayer Journal - Day 2

Many people assume that we are called to give something up during Lent, but many of us choose to take on something new during Lent. I have wanted to improve my prayer life for quite a while now. My goal is that through practice and exploring different types of prayer, that I might develop a prayer relationship with our God which lasts well beyond Lent 2009. Through this blog, I hope to journal my prayer activity this Lent. Please feel free to share ideas of methods of prayer which you have found successful. My greatest desire is to learn to "shut up" and listen to God speak to me.

Prayer Journal Entry #2 (Thursday, 2.26.09)

*Began day reading Apostleship of Prayer - Pope's intentions for Feb. 2009
*Prayer Starter - Return to God
*Reasons for God - On pilgrimage to the Light That Never Sets
*Read paryer and daily reflection on Sacred Space - Online retreat - Jesus asking us to carry our cross and follow Him
*Recited prayer with students at school - "Father, You created me and put me on the earth for a purpose. Help me to discover this purpose...."

Lenten Journey 2009 - Prayer Journal

Many people assume that we are called to give something up during Lent, but many of us choose to take on something new during Lent. I have wanted to improve my prayer life for quite a while now. My goal is that through practice and exploring different types of prayer, that I might develop a prayer relationship with our God which lasts well beyond Lent 2009. Through this blog, I hope to journal my prayer activity this Lent. Please feel free to share ideas of methods of prayer which you have found successful. My greatest desire is to learn to "shut up" and listen to God speak to me.

Prayer Journal Entry #1 (Ash Wednesday, 2.25.09)

*Began the day with Men's group with Morning Prayer, Gospel reading and Faith Sharing
*Mass @ St. Peter @ 930am at School
*Frustration at work, but, then received appreciation from student
*Spent time reading Musings on Sunday readings for March 1st, 2009
*Read Daily Offering Prayer and Feb. Intentions of Pope Benedict XVI from Apostleship of Prayer
*Read from "Reasons for Hope" by JPII called "If you want peace, serve the poor"
*Read Feb. 22-25 in "The Little Black Book": Thinking about Lenten plans, praying the scriptures, placing myself in the scripture story such as when Jesus went out alone w/ His disciples on the boat
*Read Prayer Notes - "Five Simple Prayer Ideas to Enrich Your Lent" - pray one word such as "peace", "faith", etc. and then close eyes and, when distractions come, repeat the word. Try to relax for 20 minutes remaining in silence, then close eyes again for a couple of minutes.
*Mark prayer into my day
*Take an online retreat such as "Daily Prayer Online" at www.jesuit.ie/prayer
*Read Prayer Notes - "Prayer Starters for All Days of Lent" - focused on the virtue of Emptiness
*Read Daily Prayer on "Sacred Space" - Online Retreat
*Listened to a portion of The Catholic Cafe MP3 recording "The Rosary" from www.thecatholiccafe.com