Saturday, February 28, 2009

Lenten Journey 2009 - Prayer Journal - Day 4

Many people assume that we are called to give something up during Lent, but many of us choose to take on something new during Lent. I have wanted to improve my prayer life for quite a while now. My goal is that through practice and exploring different types of prayer, that I might develop a prayer relationship with our God which lasts well beyond Lent 2009. Through this blog, I hope to journal my prayer activity this Lent. Please feel free to share ideas of methods of prayer which you have found successful. My greatest desire is to learn to "shut up" and listen to God speak to me.

Prayer Journal Entry #4 (Saturday, 2.28.09)

*Reviewed Holy Hour Songs & Prayers for 3.5
*Reviewed Disciples in Mission Lesson #1
*Read "Reasons for Hope" - The Gift of Reconciliation
*Daily Offering Prayer and Pope's Intentions for Feb.
*Prayer Starters - "An open heart and mind"
*Read through Mass readings for March 8th

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