Friday, February 13, 2009

Thoughts on Prayer

As a man approaching 40, I feel close to our God, but at the same time often feel that my prayer life is lacking. Recently, through a visit to a Fishers of Men meeting at Church of the Holy Spirit in Memphis, I was finally introduced to the Morning Prayer from the Liturgy of the Hours. I was always curious and have known that priests, religious, deacons and many laypeople pray the "hours" on a daily basis, but for some reason have felt intimidated. Well, I was introduced in a group setting to reading/praying the Morning Prayer which was pulled off the website,, and now I am thrilled. The intimidation is gone and I realize that I can pray through this form in about 10 minutes (I think God deserves a lot more, but this is a start). Additionally, over the past few years, I have developed a relationship with God of simply being able to talk with him as I drive in my car to and from work or anytime I am alone. Now, my goals are two-fold: 1) Learn to pray by shutting up and simply listening, and 2) Striving to implement my love for God with my actions and concern for my wife and children.

God Bless you and thank you for taking the time to read my thoughts.

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