Friday, February 13, 2009

Humility in Corporate Giving

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to meet with members of the leadership of a local company who are doing tremendous work for people in need not only in Memphis, but also across the world in places like Rwanda. I couldn't help but mention to the President of the company how impressed I was with his humility in serving others. No where that I have found in the press or on the web does his company boast of the many good works that they do. The organization is committed to building up God's Kingdom in every way possible especially through sharing the gifts they are given through their enterprise.

So, next time you hear the politicians slamming corporate leaders for their prosperity, please take a moment to filter what is being said. I, for one, know many true heroes in the corporate world right here in Memphis who want no reward for their generosity other than the knowledge that they have been blessed and they are called to share those blessings.

Don't get me wrong, we have heard of some terrible injustice with greed and irresponsibility among corporate giants; however, I would say that many a leader stands up and does their very best to champion prosperity.

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