Sunday, February 15, 2009

Unclean, Unclean! - Spirit Speaking through Scripture

When I arrived for Mass this morning, I was not scheduled to serve as Lector; however, I was asked to read the first reading which came from Leviticus. As I grow closer to Christ, I am amazed at how Scripture writings continue to speak to each of us where we are. As I read over the text for the first and second times before Mass, I gained the first impression of what the scripture said about leprosy in the Old Testament times and the law. Then, while reading the passage from Leviticus 13:1-2,44-46 among the assembly, I felt the words speaking of myself when I read that he shall cry out, "Unclean, unclean". Most comforting was coming to the understanding of how Jesus came not to judge as those of the Law did. What comfort there is in knowing that Jesus Christ gave us His Spirit to recognize our own faults, but not to despair. I must seek forgiveness and come to understand the need to be a forgiver as well. Let us not approach our religion or spirituality in a legalistic way, but in how we can come closer to Christ. I pray that I recognize the times that I am unclean and open the door to my heart to Christ. Amen!

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